High School+

What is High School+

High School+ (HS+) is a low-cost option to earn a high school diploma from CBC. HS+ students follow a customized educational plan, incorporating the knowledge and skills gained from life, work and academic experiences to complete their diploma.

Get started today! Contact the Transitional Studies division at 509-542-4701 or come visit us in the A Building to get started with the onboarding process.

You will meet one-on-one with staff to discuss your goals, complete paperwork and receive additional details about how to complete your diploma. 

Yes! We are here to help adults in our community complete their high school diploma, whether they have only been out of school for a couple years, or a couple of decades. 

All HS+ classes are offered for a tuition fee of $25 per quarter. Eligible students may receive a tuition waiver.

HS+ classes are offered in the morning and evening throughout the year.

We offer both online only and in-person classes. Our classes meet on the Pasco campus.

Yes! Even students with no earned high school credits are eligible for the program.



Building A on Pasco campus