Welcome to the Robert & Elisabeth Moore Observatory!
**The Observatory is currently closed to the public. Check back here for any updates
regarding opening plans.**
Come see stars with us! At CBC, you can explore the vast wonders the sky has to offer.
Our main telescope is a 16-inch Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain optical tube assembly on a Paramount ME German equatorial mount. The telescope is housed in a six-meter Ash Dome on top of a 25-foot by 40-foot Observatory building.
Due to our mostly dry and temperate climate year-round, many nights boast clear skies and excellent views!
The Observatory was developed through the generous donation of the late Robert (Bob) Moore and his late wife, Elisabeth.
Observatory FAQ
As of right now, the Obsevatory is temporarily closed to the public. Students in our ASTR101/102 courses will have guided occasional access to the facility during labs. Please continue to visit our page for any reopening updates!
Unfortunately, telescopes do not allow us to see through clouds! Therefore, on overcast nights, we will not be open. Call ahead to 509-544-4986 if you're unsure!
Depending on what you'd like to use our Observatory for, we could work with you to schedule a private event. Our Planetarium & Observatory Director will be happy to discuss your options!
That would be our sister facility, the CPCCo Planetarium! Our 36-foot panoramic viewing dome is another wonderful way to explore space at CBC.
Astronomy at CBC
The Astronomy program gives students a choice in how they integrate and apply math and science skills in their learning process. Currently, introductory astronomy is taught as the primary astronomy class. This includes understanding the basics of observational astronomy, the solar system, stars, galaxies and the universe. Our Observatory provides a hands-on learning experience in a research-grade facility. The use of the scientific process, math skills and critical thinking are emphasized as the basis for moving forward in a technologically challenging world.