Emergency Medical Technician
Where it all starts! Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is the stepping stone to all
Emergency Medical Services careers. Are you interested in medicine, helping people,
becoming a firefighter and volunteering in the community? If so, EMT training will
provide insight into many different careers. Columbia Basin College offers EMT each
year in the spring and fall quarters.
The field of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is built upon a foundation that begins
with basic CPR/First Aid and ends with the advanced care provided by a Paramedic.
Throughout EMS, you will find various levels of education that all focus toward the
"chain of survival". This chain of survival is an ideal of how patients can best be
treated, whether suffering a heart attack or being involved in a motor vehicle accident.

What is an EMT?
- EMT is the basic certification level that comprises the largest population of EMS responders and is often considered the backbone of EMS.
- EMT's perform basic life-saving skills which include:
- control of bleeding
- stabilizing fractures
- assisting patients with medications
- providing oxygen and other necessities to avoid the development/progression of shock
- transportation to the emergency room
- EMT's in Washington State are also trained to place intermediate airway devices, administer epinephrine to patients in anaphylactic shock and use semi-automated external defibrillators.
Information Sessions
Please take the time to attend one of the EMT, Paramedic or Fire Science Information
Sessions. Your questions will be answered by an Advisor/Counselor or a program representative.
Visit the CBC Events Calendar to find the next available session and register to attend or email cbcoutreachFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN for assistance.
Information sessions are scheduled for one hour and are free and open to anyone interested
in a CBC Health Sciences program.