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Planetarium Movie- Bad Astronomy: Myths and Misconceptions

Planetarium Movie- Bad Astronomy: Myths and Misconceptions

Event Details


Saturday, February 15, 2025


2 pm - 3 pm


Planetarium View Directions to the Venue Directions



Contact Information:

CPCCo Planetarium

Phone: 509-542-4515


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Were the Apollo visits to the Moon actually a hoax? Have aliens landed on Earth? Can you tell your future by the stars? Prepare to debunk and tackle pseduoscience head-on with the planetarium show Bad Astronomy: Myths and Misconceptions. Based on the popular book and website of the same name, Bad Astronomy offers a unique and fun approach to learning about the cosmos. Join the "Bad Astronomer" Phil Plait as he takes a critical look at popular myths and misconceptions to show audiences how science can be used to evaluate questionable claims. Bad Astronomy is produced by the Detroit Science Center in collaboration with Cranbrook Institute of Science and narrated by WJR-AM's radio personality Rachel Nevada. Recommended for middle school and up. 46 minutes. Show and show description provided by Spitz Inc.

This film will be shown with English captions. Assistive listening devices are also available upon request.

Ticket holder assumes all risks related to attending this event, including the risk of lost, stolen, or damaged property or personal injury.
Masks are not required inside our facility, but we support our patrons who choose to wear one!

For the safety of our patrons, there will be NO LATE ADMITTANCE ALLOWED after a show has begun. To ensure you are seated when the presentation begins, please be sure to arrive early. 

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